Author Archives: Jake Calabrese
The Responsibility Process, Context, and Safety
The Responsibility Process™ is a practice (some may argue it’s more or less than a practice) that helps us move towards more self-mastery. Being able to facilitate ourselves is all about emotional intelligence – our ability to recognize and react appropriately in the moment to our emotions.
Is Your Training Amazing & Engaging? Or does it Smell?
I find many things puzzling. One that is puzzling, frustrating, and annoying is how people continue to use outdated methods to train.
Marker Fanatics & Facilitating with Great Markers!
Great markers provide you with the option to create many different types of charts, diagrams, and pictures in your training or facilitated sessions. If you don’t use markers in your sessions, that might be a sign you need to make some changes!
Does Your Culture Require Your Demise? Pig & Chicken 3 [Agile Safari]
Is Aiming For Potentially Shippable Good Enough? [Agile Safari]

Organizational Commitment: Pig & Chicken – Part 2
Many people really don’t like the original cartoon (See & read Pig & Chicken part 1). When I decided to do three strips on the Pig & Chicken, I knew there would be a lot of ‘concern’, but based on where I want to go, I made the decision that it had to be done. Tweet the Agile Safari Cartoon! Continue reading