Leadership Circle Profile

The Leadership Circle Profile

Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is a robust assessment and leadership development tool that The Leadership Circle Profileallows you to see where you are doing well and where you can improve. LCP helps you see blind spots in your leadership approach and lets you compare how you perceive yourself vs. how others perceive you. You are able to see your Creative Competencies, Reactive Tendencies, and overall Leadership Effectiveness.  The Leadership Circle Assessment is based on tens of thousands of assessments, statistics, and research to help leaders understand where they are today and offer insights into where they have room for growth.

By seeing a picture of where you are today, you can make decisions on what opportunities you have to improve or double-down on areas that you are satisfied with. LCP also provides a correlation to Leadership Effectiveness that sets it apart. There is no other profile that offers the level of depth or statistical rigor that Leadership Circle Profile does. We see a strong alignment between agile principles and values and the Creative Tendencies. 

The Leadership-Circle-Brochure provides additional details.

What You Will Receive

You will have the opportunity to assess yourself and how your perception of yourself compares to a summary of at least 10 evaluators who complete an assessment of you. This includes bosses, bosses-boss, peers, direct reports, and others. All of this information is then provided to you with your report. The overall package includes:

  1. Leadership Circle Profile Graph Report (the circle)
  2. detailed breakdown of the report data
  3. 100 page LCP Interpretation Manual (explains each dimension as well as what low and high scores in the dimension may mean),
  4. Action planning guide for next steps (part of the Interpretation Manual)
  5. 90-minute, one-on-one coaching debrief session to review your profile results and come up with initial next steps
  6. 30-minute follow-up session to check-in 30-45 days after the debrief
  7. * For organizations that are completing a number of LCPs, we also provide a group profile, showing a summary of all the LCPs in one graph.

What to Expect – Leadership Circle Profile Process

After you sign-up, we will enroll you in the assessment system and send you the LCP Kickoff and Setup Instruction Guide. This guide will walk you through who to choose as evaluators, sending a simple script (we provide a template for you) to evaluators to confirm their willingness, and instructions on how to enter them in the system. We are available throughout this process to answer questions and help you decide if a particular person is a good fit to evaluate you (e.g. the peer you rarely work with is probably not going to be very helpful).

At that point, you complete your self-assessment and remind evaluators (they sometimes forget!) to complete theirs. This process takes about 30 days to complete all the assessments. When the timebox expires, your report will be created. We then schedule a debrief time, dig into the results, and work on an action plan!

Now What

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss completing multiple LCPs for your organization (your team, a group, multiple teams, etc.).

If you are ready to get started, just let me know and we can get a statement of work together and get started!