Best practices are not always the right answer.

Be Better, Don’t Limit Yourself to Best Practices

We hear a lot about best practices. We talk a lot about them. Many organizations are of the opinion that if they can identify the best practice, they are set. Of course, that thinking can be limiting in a number of ways. We need to be better, not best. Limiting Yourself with Best Practices Googling […]

Proposing Open Space Technology Sessions

When I am at conferences or events being run using Open Space Technology (learn more about attendee driven conferences), people often ask me “should I propose a open space session?” As we get into the discussion I tend to ask the same core questions: Are you passionate about the topic? Are you clear enough on what […]

Lean Business Analysis – Free Webinar

On February 8th (2011), I will be presenting Lean Business Analysis. We will discuss the fundamentals of lean software development, review common software ‘wastes’, and look at what lean means to business analysis and product management! It starts at 12PM EST. Update: If you are interested in this webinar/presentation please email or call at 720-663-8044. […]

Open Space Conferences – Attendee Created Conferences!

Open Space is one of my favorite types of conferences. I was under the impression that most people in the agile, coaching, and leadership communities knew what Open Space was. I was wrong. Many have never experienced it. That is sad, to an extent, but that also means there are many people who will experience […]