x Agile Team Training Course

Agile Team Training Course Agile Team Training is focused on getting everyone who is (or will be) on the team up-and-running with agile. Agile Team Training is designed for teams that are transitioning to agile, have already started without training, or need a refresher to reinvigorate the teams. Agility and agile are about thinking in a […]

Don’t Let a Few Thought Leaders Make Us Stupid

What is a thought leader? If you Google ‘thought leader definition’, you get something like: one whose views on a subject are taken to be authoritative and influential. That seems like a good place to start. While this article applies to thought leaders in general, a few of the references I make are about thought leaders in […]

Project retrospectives that focus on every project detail are frustrating!

Why Project Retrospectives Are Challenging

Project retrospectives are challenging. I spoke a bit about this in lessons learned vs. project retrospectives. You might look at a merger, acquisition, implementation of a new ERP system, or even a major upgrade of an ERP or CRM system. These are non-reoccurring events. A retrospective of this type is quite different from a typical […]

Working with Team Toxins

Resolving Conflict by Working with Team Toxins

We know from Team Toxins and Team Conflict, that toxins are normal. So we can’t just “get rid of them.” In fact, pretending there are never toxins in a team could be viewed as a form of stonewalling. There are a number of ways to resolve conflict by working with team toxins. These not “iron-clad […]

Agile Retrospective Resources

There is a lot of information out there are agile retrospectives.  I have a number of articles on them and there are plenty of places with information including blogs, websites, and books. My Articles About Agile Retrospectives I’m working on a series about retrospectives, and have included a list of articles that are already written as well […]

Improving Yourself with StrengthsFinder 2.0

I am often asked by folks I’m coaching for ideas of assessments they can take to help them grow. I’m working on a few articles about different types of assessments and improving yourself (subscribe if you are interested in being notified). I thought I’d take some time to explain some of insights I got from taking […]