Interesting Articles to Spark Ideas

I come across many articles that I think would be great to pass on to others.Β  The issue with that approach is that they are lost to the social media wind. There are many book marking tools and ways to save links, but I’m going to give this idea a shot and see what happens. […]

Facilitating with the focused conversation

Facilitating with The Focused Conversation

I was presenting Building Antifragile Relationships and Teams at Santa Barbara Agile recently and as we worked on ideas for a conflict protocol, we started discussing the common theme of “facts vs. feelings”. I’ll point out that there was not a hard-line view in the group as to one way or another, but it came […]

x Agile Training

Agile Training Our agile training courses are for peopleΒ who want to build organizations that thrive in today’s complex, rapidly changing, knowledge-based world. Agile is not just about efficiency and how products and services are built–it is about what people learn and what is built! For agile to stick and to move beyond okay, agile has […]


Please contact me for more information about any services you may need, to discuss challenges or opportunities, and to evaluate if I may be a fit. If you are looking for a list of training classes and workshops, coaching, and more – please visit Helping Improve. I’m not a big ‘salesy’ person, so if you […]

Kanban Principles for Success (Part 2)

The kanban principles we use and I mention in What is Kanban? are fairly straightforward, yet often ignored in organizations who say they are doing kanban. I want to dig into a bit more depth on each of the principles, for those are are less familiar with them (or perhaps even for some that are).Β