Kanban Principles for Success (Part 2)

The kanban principles we use and I mention in What is Kanban? are fairly straightforward, yet often ignored in organizations who say they are doing kanban. I want to dig into a bit more depth on each of the principles, for those are are less familiar with them (or perhaps even for some that are). 

Scrum commitment vs forecast

Scrum Commitment or Forecast

I’ve been training, talking, coaching, and writing recently on the topic of commitment and realized that anytime that comes up, it reminds me of the old (seems old – but not really that old!) discussion on commitment or forecast. I still find there are many questions on this topic. It certainly has not been put […]

Top 10 Reasons Why I Don’t and Shouldn’t Write Blogs

I need to write blogs.  Everyone knows that.  Everyone has to write blogs.  Really?  What if I don’t?  What does it say about me?  What I know? What I don’t know? Or am I just busy? This is not a motivational tale.  No happy ending. Enjoy. So what are my Top 10 Reasons Why I […]

x About

About Agility Street Our Dream is to help people, teams, and organizations define and achieve their goals.  We as people and collectively as organizational systems have an amazing ability to learn, grow, improve and do fantastic things!  Given the fast pace and increasing complexity of today’s world, it is easier and easier to get stuck and […]

Please Drop Me! I'm Antifragile!

Building Antifragile Relationships and Teams @ Santa Barbara Agile

Building antifragile relationships is about finding ways for our relationships to gain from disorder, or be more antifragile. What tools and practices can we use to help us thrive from disorder? What mindset do we need to hold to be present with the teams and organizations we are in? I’m excited to be presenting a […]

Product Manager & Product Owner Training References

Product Manager & Product Owner Training References Below is a list of references we use and mention in our Product Owner and Product Manager training. If you are looking for additional information on a topic we mentioned (or one we did not), please let us know – Jake Calabrese and John Miller, Connect with us […]